Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Really?!?! Valentines already?

I am not a huge Valentine's Day kind of girl, don't get me wrong I love chocolate just as much as the next girl - so any holiday that celebrates by bearing chocolate gifts gets my endorsement - but I could be just as happy celebrating Ground Hogs Day with the yummy goodness.

This being said, I was kind of hoping to keep Valentine's Day under the radar this year (mostly because I am on a strict diet and excessive spending on goodies seemed foolish).

Well this planned was totally foiled by the Disney Channel! My kids love them some morning Disney bonding time, and apparently Disney is  HUGE contributor to Valentine's (which becomes obvious if you try to purchase anything "kid friendly" for the holiday - Disney has their stamp all over everything).

I figured since my oldest has not started school yet, he would not need to make any purchases this year and I could hold off and make a big deal of the whole thing next year (when I am a size 6 and have the metabolism of a 20 year old---- I can dream right?).  All I can say was BOY WAS I WRONG - 2 days before Valentine's Day my 5 year informs me that we need to go shopping for this joyous holiday.  I ask why? He says he needs to get his girl (aka Taylor Swift - for those of you that have missed out his budding first love) a Valentine.

Initial thought "this is cute - just go with it"

So I say ok, I will take you to the drugstore to make said purchase.  Then he informs me that his sister (3 years old) must also get one for her boy (aka Justin Bieber).  Still thinking "kinda cute" - maybe because I have a little Bieber fever?  So we pack up and take off for CVS.

Inside I take them over to the boxed Valentine's section, thinking I can get off with one box of cards and cover all of our bases - his girl, her boy, each other, their baby brother, mom, dad, etc.  WRONG AGAIN!  My 5 year olds politely asks to go over to the "singing card" section (thanks Mom!).  Ok I think - I will just get each of them one of those 2 for $1 cards and call it a day.

OH NO! He proceeds to pick out a $5 card for Taylor - ummmmm NO! I don't even buy $5 cards for my husband (truth be told I didn't get him any card this year - hey if we can't have chocolate why have cards?).  Plus it occurs to me that this might not be the best standard to set for future valentines.  What am I going to have to buy his first Kindergarten crush - a dozen roses and some Godiva?!?!

So after some fast thinking I talk both of them into making their "loves" personal handmade cards.  (This was not as easy as it sounds - but sometimes Moms have Jedi powers and don't even know it).  So off to the craft aisle, we purchase some construction paper and are headed out the door.

But wait --- "Mom I need to get Sis some chocolate"   ahhh cute - and she jumps right in with "Mom I need to get him some candy too."  Ok so we head over to the candy aisle - where they pick out a heart shaped boxed of chocolate for the other and one for their baby brother.

Now I am running for the register before I end up with a cart full of stuffed animals, heart shaped lights, bags of more lovey dovey candy and whatever else they can get their grubby little fingers on.

Success - we check out and head home, off to make some cards (yay! arts and crafts time).  They ended up making me and Daddy the cutest, sweetest and BEST valentines I have ever gotten and that I will cherish for a very long time.

So after it is all said and done, I consider it to be a Valentine's Day success (that is unless you count this torture that the girl on the diet is enduring knowing there is chocolate somewhere is this house).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Impossible Dream?!?!

My dad used to sing a song from Man of LaMancha "to dream the impossible dream..."  

This morning I realized what is truly my impossible dream - I know you are dying of suspense... what could it be... winning lottery ticket, instant weight loss of all pounds acquired from all pregnancies, or maybe a night of uninterrupted sleep??  Nope! Mine is far easier (and thus should be far more attainable)!

All I want is for both kids bedrooms and the living room to be clean at the same time.  I know it sounds simple, but I have found it is IMPOSSIBLE! 

I have all these friends that appear (yes I said it - appear! Only because I have 3 kids and KNOW it just some slide of hand trick when I come over) to keep beautifully clean homes.  HOW?!?!

Are your closets bursting at the seams like the one on Zooboomafo?  

I spent the better part of the morning yesterday cleaning one bedroom, putting everything in its correct buckets, bins, or drawers.  And then threatening to go all Sid the mean neighbor (Toy Story) on their toys if they did not keep it clean.

This only backfired and led to them all playing in the other bedroom - which now looks like a tornado of princesses,  pirates, and hotwheels has hit.

I do not have the energy to clean it - because I know that the second I do they will switch back to the other room and tackle my living room in 1.2 seconds and the whole ugly cycle will just continue on.

Thank goodness I have an understanding husband who also follows my philosophy on the appearance of the house -

"Clean enough to be healthy, but dirty enough to be happy!"

Friday, October 15, 2010

National Boss Day

In honor National Boss' Day I am dedicating this blog to my bosses (my children- of course)

I would like to thank them for providing me with a job that is NEVER ( and I mean EVER) boring!  I have held many jobs in my life, received many paychecks (though I am am sure my husband wishes there were more of those), and performed countless amounts of menial tasks. But this is my favorite job thus far.

OK sure, I get paid in kisses, hugs, and smiles - and when the big bosses (my 4 and 3 year old) feel I have earned a bonus they pay me in a "Mommy, you are the BEST mommy in the world" -ahhh!

But do not assume that I am not held up to regular reviews of my job performance.  Those usually go something like " _____ (fill in blank's) mommy let him do, have, eat, etc."  Or my favorite is "I want Daddy because he does _____ better!"  Those are the moments where you have to sit back in self - reflection and ponder. Or hide in the bathroom with the door locked mumbling to yourself something about needing a vacation, a drink, a hot bath ... you get the picture.  But at those moments, I try to focus on who is the best at kissing boo - boos, story time (I got this one hands down!), being the short-order cook at each meal, making cookies (just ask my 4 year old I can place and bake Pillsbury better than anyone!) and various other skills that I could rattle off  - but why gloat? 

Overall I would say my job is crazy hours, a ton of work, a lot of sleepless nights (thanks in large part to the littlest one), and at times a test in patience.  But I LOVE it! I would not have it any other way... at least 99.9999% of the time :)

So thanks bosses!

P.S. I would have written more, but I only get a 15 minute break every "shift" (I will let you know when and if I ever figure out how long those are supposed to be!)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Well I think it is about time I surrender and enter into the world of blogging.  I have been saying that I am going to write down the funny things my kids do and say since my oldest was born - uh that was only almost 5 years ago - and I haven't written down a single thing.  I know, I know... I hear you saying it - SLACKER! I could not agree more!

You may wonder how I came up with the name for this blog? Or maybe you are not, but I am going to tell you anyways! I was thinking the other day and realized that I have learned more in the 5 years that I have been a mother than I did in the 13 years of formal public education, the 4 years of post education (makes it sound more impressive than telling you about ever pointless degree in Sociology), and the 5 years that I was a high school teacher combined!

Thus, you can expect some of my worldly knowledge of potty training, how to get a 3 year old to take "yucky" medicine, and other various tricks and tactics I conjure up everyday just to survive motherhood with 3 small children (ages 4, 3 and 1) with a my sanity intact and on most nights a smile on my face before I fall asleep.  Oh, and you can be guaranteed you will hear about all the funny things that my kids say and do to further my education from the College of Motherhood!

I hope to hear from you when you like things, or even when you don't.  Actually I just hope someone reads this - and that I am not going to always be talking to myself on here :)

:) K